June 26, 2013

Video Editing Exercise

Hello fellow "London Multimedia" students and blog readers! This is the final installment of my technology testing exercises, required for class. Below is a 45 second video tour of my desk, the place where I spend the majority of my days. I would make the excuse that I spend my days here because our house is too small for an actual study, but honestly, every time I have ever lived in (or even vacationed at) a residence where I have a personal desk, that tends to be where I spend my days. I'm a writer, and a reader, and a video and music lover, and I like to work on my laptop, so my desk is where you'll find me. If I'm not there, try the nearest exercise area (or gym), park (especially if they have a walking trail), library, or bookstore. I am not very attached to beds or television sets...or kitchens.

As you will see, I keep pretty much everything I could need or that defines me (penguins!) on my desk.

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