July 04, 2013

Covent Garden: Suitcases and Tea!


Didn't get out much today. About the only thing I did of any consequence was visit the Covent Garden Market. I bought a new suitcase bag though! People who know me from the Midwest will know how much I love my current/former suitcase. I adopted it as a new purse. It's much handier than a purse: bigger, sturdier, waterproof, has a handy place inside the flap where you can stick a small umbrella, a zipper pouch inside where I keep my wallet, and the adjustable strap is made from a recycled seat belt, which is comfy and sturdy (mine has never broken, snapped, or frayed at all in four years). And yes, as you can see by the logo above, it has the "Suitcase Recycled in London" tag on the side, just like my former suitcase. I bought it from the same vendor I bought the former bag from four years ago. He even noticed that I had mine with me and when I told him how much I love it, how well it's held up, and that I had made it a priority to get a second one upon my second visit, he gave me £5 off my purchase; said the discount was for being a repeat customer. Awww.

I also managed to track down a Whittard's and get my Strawberry Kiwi tea. Yay! I can buy two bags for £11.50 if I'm in the U.K. That's practically the price of international shipping, if I were to buy them online from the U.S. So I am happy. I have my tea and a new bag!  And I even had a chance to see some street performers: a string quartet that somehow managed to play and dance at the same time (even the cellist), and then a group of break dancers, although only one of them was really very good. Still, I love that you can see street performers all over the place in London! I'm considering taking a trip down to Surbiton and Kingstone tomorrow. I just want to see my former home again. I want to see if the flooring place ever replaced the cracked tiles outside their front entrance and whether that giant stuffed animal lion is still in the window of the bicycle store.

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