July 25, 2013

Photo Story -- London: City of Cats, Populated by Birds

Our newest assignment is a photo story themed around London. I made this little video about cats and birds in London using Window's Live Movie Maker.

Digital Story "London City of Cats, Populated by Birds" 03:00m, 84.7 MB


Podington Bear. (2013, May 2). Wikileak. Rhythm and Strings. Copyright Attribution
     NonCommercial http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/. Retrieved from

The Royal Parks Foundation. (2013). Isis. Retrieved from http://www.supporttheroyalparks.org/explore/isis

Tower of London Yeomen Warder. (2013, July 18). Tower of London tour.

Wentz, M. (2002). Once Upon a Time in Great Britain: A Travel Guide to the Sights of Your Favorite
     Children’s Stories. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Griffin.

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