July 11, 2013

The Famous, the Grandiose, and the Simplistic Beauty

Today was full of all sort of exciting events. For some members of our group, it all started in the morning, when Russell Tovey (Being Human, Doctor Who) happened to walk his dog down our street, just as we were about to head out on the field trips. He paused to let a few members of our group pet the dog. No one asked for his autograph, but that’s because it all happened so fast, we didn’t have time. Still, several members of the group just about swooned when they realized who we had just had an encounter with. It was a bit surreal, seeing him in person, just walking his dog. Then it was off to Platform 9 and 3/4! I’ve done the Harry Potter stuff before, but now they have a professional camera crew there, and scarves for the different houses, and so forth. I chose Slytherin green, not so much because I like Slytherin, but because I like snakes! I consider it just another way to support Wild Things with Dominic Monaghan, even if that form of support only makes sense to my weird and illogic logic. The camera man also complimented me on my hat. He’s the first Brit to compliment my sense of fashion in any way, so that was nice.

I was more excited about seeing the British Library and St. Pancras. I took a Library Building course last fall and the British Library was one of the building we covered in that course. In addition, the last time I was in London, our group took a tour of Parliament, which is a similarly stunning Victorian structure. I love the juxtaposition of old and new, which you can see illustrated in this panoramic picture. Pancras almost looks like some castle in the sky floating up behind the British Library. The former is so gorgeous and ornate, and yet foreboding at the same time. It makes for a mesmerizing contrast. The library was exciting as well, especially seeing Marquis Wenesley’s animal and plant draws in the Treasure room, but nothing compares to the beauty of those building...for me.

Although, a few small objects also caught my eye, during the course of our walking from building to building. A lion door knocker, a hanging fishbowl (I know, it looks like a bird cage, but it houses a fishbowl), and the small pink flowers growing up against the side of an outside stairwell. These are the little treasure that one sees when walking around London...or any place, really. The little details that bring a place to life and give it character. So today was exciting on both the grand and the small scale, and even the famous. And it’s not even over yet. Tonight we watch Les Misérables at the theater! My friend Josh considers this one of the best stage plays ever written, so I am ready to watch with a very critical, albeit excited, eye.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you got a photo of the fish bowl in the bird cage!
