July 18, 2013

Tower of London and Brough Market

Warning! Another geek post.

Knowing we were going to the Tower of London today, I decided to wear this T-shirt. It seemed appropriate. Of course, you'll probably only get the joke if you are a Sherlock fan and have watched season two. Or you might only get the joke if you fit the above criteria and are a Moriarty (Andrew Scott) fan. Yes, this is for my absolutely devoted Sherlock/Moriarty fans from back home. I am just glad they let me near the Crown Jewels. However, I was very disappointed that there were no fire extinguishers near the crown jewels. There was also no thrown. I kind of wanted to breath on the glass encasement and draw a smiley face, but I didn't because I figured I'd get in trouble. Steven Moffat's vision for Crown Jewels is much more fun than the real thing.

I have actually been to the Tower of London before, so I didn't take many pictures. You can see my previous trip's pictures here https://www.facebook.com/nicole.elly.peats/media_set?set=a.1125232964544.2019054.1038733642&type=3 starting at photo 50 in the "Site Seeing in England!" album. The one new element that wasn't there last time I visited were these mesh animals, so I took a few pictures of them. We learning during our guided tour today that the Tower of London held one of the first royal menageries.

I also made sure to take a better picture of a raven this time. The ravens are supposed to be a good omen for The Tower (ironic). If they leave, it's believed that The Tower will fall. Carolyn and I were a bit worried for a while, because we hadn't spotted any ravens and you really don't want to be in The Tower (if your superstitious) if the ravens have left. However, I eventually did spot a couple.

And then I took a couple of pictures for our photography focus, which was kind of fun because it provided another opportunity to play around in GIMP. Today we were to take picture in black and white with a little bit of color, the type that draws attention to particular details. My first inclination was to manipulate this Tower Bridge photo that I took, since the blue trim is a part of what makes this bridge so famous. But then I just happened upon this reenactment of a guard catching a thief inside the Tower Walls, and the ensuing argument over how or whether the man should be punished. I decided to manipulate this photo as well, since their bright red coats are so striking. So, on the whole, not much of a geek out day, but still enjoyable.

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