July 15, 2013

Canals, Graffiti, and Shopping

Today we took a canal trip down the Regent’s Canal, so that we could practice taking high contrast photos, and then browsed the Camden Market area. I’ll apologize in advanced because I took 140 photos during this field trip. I managed to narrow down the blog selection to seventeen, but you are about to be bombarded with photos. First and foremost, I love the stunning view of the canal with all the greenery, and fancy houses, and the vivid blue bridge, so I took not just one panorama, but three, and then knitted them together into one huge panorama, which I've posted above.

One of the best advantages of taking pictures from a canal boat (or a “water boat,” as they call them over here), is that you are snapping pictures from canal level. You also pass under lots of bridges and get an intimate view of London's graffiti culture. I love the graffiti in England! There is such a variety or styles and personalities on displayed. So, I took a lot of graffiti photos. And look, the first one is actually on the side of a bridge. I took the photo of this flaming 22 near the Camden Market docks. And the last graffiti painter here, attempted to get philosophical.

And then, before we got off the canal, I managed to snap a picture of these adorable baby ducks and mom duck.

My first priority at the market was to seek out and buy a white British cap, but just right of the hat stall, we stumbled upon this statue above the Horse Tunnel Market sign. The scene reminds my flatmate, Carolyn, of the Black Riders horses from Fellowship of the Ring. As a The Lord of the Rings fan, I couldn’t resist including this stunning photo on my blog.

I’m not really a fashionista, but I stumbled upon this really interesting Goth store and really liked some of the modeled clothes in front. I especially love this coat and ruffle outfit; very Sweeney Todd. And this women looks so delicate and badass at the same time.

This chandelier was almost as big as me, but unfortunately, the size doesn’t really come across on this photo.



These mosaic statues were all over the place, but this dancer pose one was my favorite. In fact, I liked it so much that I had Carolyn take a picture of me posing in front of it. And talk about Mosaics, check out the mosaic on the side of this old car.

 And then there were the shops. OMG, so many awesome shop exteriors. This Old and New antiques store has a huge rocking chair sculpture attached to the front, and the Scorpion place has winged shoes. Not just any winged shoes though, not winged sandals, but winged, converse sneakers. They are even the same red color as the Tenth Doctor’s shoes! This magnificent Chinese Dragon was the headpiece for a Asian store. But my favorite shop exterior, and the picture I chose for my assignment, is this Dark Angel tattoo parlor. It’s so moody and even the name is a contrast. I had an absolutely wonderful time and I still have more photos to go through. Eventually I will get all of my photos up on Facebook, I promise.

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