July 14, 2013

Mosaic and Doctor Who Bank Note! Woohoo!

This will be a less geek out post, I promise. Our instructor required that we visit the British Museum this weekend, but on our own time, so I chose Sunday. As part of our assignment, we have to choose a color, take pictures of objects that are that color, and compile a mosaic using Flicker. Thus, the only geeky part of this post is that blue is my favorite color, so I chose blue as my photography focus.
I particularly liked the photo in the middle. That is one of the many Egyptian mosaics that I snapped a photo of while climbing from the first floor to where the mummies are kept. I love the rope look that the tiles create, and it seemed fitting to place a mosaic picture in the middle of my mosaic.

The blue beaded necklace above, was just one item in an assortment of Egyptian jewelry displayed in the room behind the mummies. The eyes beside the necklace are a painting on the side of an Egyptian tomb, and beside that is a tiny kettle I found in the Green artifacts room.

I found the little blue lions in the Greek artifacts room, as well. I couldn’t resist taking a picture of blue big kitties. The bead nets in the far right column, were worn over garments and as shawls. I found one that was a sky blue, one that is a very dark blue.

I have picture of two little blue containers, a smooth one from Egypt and an etched one from Greece. Both stand about three inches tall. I have no idea what you would keep in a pot this small, but there were many other tiny pots, some even smaller than these two, so they must have been everyday objects. Lastly, this small blue statue is a siren from Greek mythology.

Okay, I lied, one more geek out moment. It’s not blue (well, the TARIDS is blue, but nothing else), so I couldn’t use it for my mosaic, but I also couldn’t resist snapping a picture of this £10 banknote. The museum has a whole room dedicated to money from various cultures all over the world, and they have a special exhibit for limited edition coins and banknotes. The Doctor’s banknote appears in this collection and is accompanied by a little video clip running scenes from Dona’s first episode. It was too precious not to take a picture.

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